The outbreak of COVID-19 has affected all of ASEANSAI’s activities. In response, ASEANSAI has decided to convert all of its in-person meetings into online meetings. With the support of the Executive Committees and all of the Committee Chairs, the adjustment of ASEANSAI activities can be managed well.
In terms of knowledge sharing and training activities, amid this pandemic situation, ASEANSAI still organizes various KSC meetings and training sessions for its members. The first ASEANSAI Cooperative environmental audit on water resource management in the Mekong River Basin under the leadership of SAI Vietnam and the KSC program has been started. Under the Training Committee, various training sessions on performance, financial, and compliance audits have also been organized.
In terms of international engagement, it can be seen how ASEANSAI is now cooperating closely with IDI. With IDI, ASEANSAI organized a joint webinar on strengthening SAI audits of SDG implementation in 2020. Currently, an initiative called ISSAI Implementation Needs Assessment for Financial Audit (IINAFA) is in progress. This initiative builds on the efforts and results of IDI-ASEANSAI ISSAI-based Cooperative Financial Audits. It aims to provide further support to SAIs in the ASEANSAI region in fully implementing financial audit ISSAIs. In addition, the implementation of the MoU with the Swedish National Audit Office (SNAO) has also been successful. SNAO has provided its expertise to support the Strategic Planning Committee in preparing the new ASEANSAI Strategic Plan and the Training Committee in preparing their online training materials on financial and compliance audits. ASEANSAI also had the opportunity to report its activities at the 55th ASOSAI Governing Board meeting in 2020.
At this opportunity, the ASEANSAI Secretariat would like to express our highest appreciation for continuous support, strong commitment, and good cooperation from all committees and members, which has helped us become a more well-established organization. I hope this report will provide comprehensive information on the ASEANSAI activities in 2020.
The ASEANSAI Activities Report can be downloaded here.