For many years, the Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) of ASEAN member states have been involved in activities managed by INTOSAI and ASOSAI that build institutional frameworks and strengthen the capacity of SAIs. With the growing demands that SAIs of ASEAN member states are called to fulfill, the need arose to establish a forum focused on promoting technical cooperation in public sector audit, including the exchange of information, best practices, and lessons learned while addressing common challenges within the ASEAN region. Thus, ten SAIs of ASEAN member states decided to set up a new organization named the ASEAN Supreme Audit Institutions (ASEANSAI).
ASEANSAI was established on 16 November 2011 in Bali, Indonesia. It is expected to encourage and promote good governance within the ASEAN region. Thus, ASEANSAI focuses on capacity development for SAIs of ASEAN member states and technical cooperation addressing critical and shared audit issues in the ASEAN region.
The establishment of ASEANSAI aligns with the commitment of ASEAN member states to realize the ASEAN Community Vision 2025, which emphasizes the principle of good governance as articulated in the Preamble of the ASEAN Charter. Achieving this goal requires closer and more robust cooperation among SAIs of ASEAN member states. Accordingly, ASEANSAI contributes positively and constructively as ASEAN’s independent partner in enhancing good governance, thereby fostering better government practices that will lead to a united, inclusive, and resilient ASEAN community. ASEANSAI was formally acknowledged as an entity associated with ASEAN in February 2013.
Within ASEANSAI, the Assembly serves as the highest decision-making body. The Executive Committee, which consists of the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson of ASEANSAI, is responsible for providing recommendations and implementing and monitoring policies set by the Assembly. Additionally, four committees (Training Committee, Strategic Planning Committee, Rules and Procedures Committee, and Knowledge Sharing Committee) and a Secretariat were established to execute the Assembly’s decisions in alignment with ASEANSAI’s Strategic Goals and Objectives. The ASEANSAI Secretariat supports the Executive Committee in carrying out its functions.
On 1–3 November 2023, at the 7th ASEANSAI Summit, the Chairmanship of ASEANSAI was officially handed over from the SAI of Myanmar to the SAI of the Philippines. Through this inauguration, the SAI of the Philippines and the SAI of Singapore assumed the roles of ASEANSAI Chairperson and Vice Chairperson, respectively, leading the organization for the 2023–2025 period.
In 2024, ASEANSAI implemented a range of activities outlined in its strategic work plan. These include capacity-building workshops, knowledge-sharing activities, and initiatives to strengthen governance practices among member states. Furthermore, ASEANSAI continued managing its Knowledge Management System (KMS) to serve as a centralized platform for sharing resources, insights, and lessons learned, ensuring greater collaboration and innovation among SAIs in addressing audit challenges across the ASEAN region.
The ASEANSAI Activities Report 2024 can be downloaded here