Posted by admin On September 27, 2024


As part of the ASEANSAI Knowledge Sharing Work Plan 2024-2025, aligned with Strategic Goal No. 2 of the ASEANSAI Strategic Plan 2022-2025, the Office of the Auditor General of the Union of Myanmar (SAI Myanmar) successfully hosted the “ASEANSAI Knowledge Sharing Workshop on the Audit of SDG Implementation: Cooperative Audit Projects.” The workshop was held virtually on September 25–26, 2024, with the participation of 26 representatives from ASEANSAI member SAIs.

The workshop commenced with welcoming remarks by H.E. Dr. Khin Naing Oo, Union Auditor General of SAI Myanmar, delivered through a pre-recorded video message. This was followed by an opening address from H.E. Datuk Wan Suraya Wan Mohd Radzi, Chairman of the ASEANSAI Knowledge Sharing Committee and Auditor General of SAI Malaysia, also presented via a pre-recorded video message. Both speakers emphasized the importance of collaborative efforts among ASEANSAI members in enhancing the audit of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) implementation.

Throughout the two-day workshop, knowledge-sharing experts from SAI Myanmar provided insights into key aspects of auditing SDG implementation. Topics covered included the basic concepts of SDG implementation audits, the audit process, and tools based on the IDI’s SDG Audit Model (ISAM). They also shared their experiences with cooperative audit projects on SDG implementation in Myanmar, highlighting the scope, methodology, key findings, and recommendations of these audits.

Additionally, experts from SAI Indonesia, SAI Malaysia, and SAI Thailand contributed by sharing their knowledge and experiences in auditing SDG-related areas:

  • SAI Indonesia: Governance of SDGs.
  • SAI Malaysia: Forestry management and its impact on the environment.
  • SAI Thailand: Advancing SDG audits using the 8Es Framework.

The workshop featured interactive discussions, Q&A sessions, and collaborative group exercises, allowing participants to exchange ideas and learn from one another’s experiences.

This event served as a vital platform for knowledge exchange and collaboration on auditing the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals. It fostered capacity-building among ASEANSAI members, strengthened collective expertise, advanced public sector accountability, and contributed to sustainable development efforts across the region.