The 4th Biennial Meeting of the ASEANSAI Knowledge Sharing Committee (KSC) took place from July 24 to 26, 2024, in a hybrid format in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Held every two years, this meeting serves as a vital forum for reviewing the progress of the KSC Work Plan 2024-2025 and initiating the planning of KSC activities for 2026-2027.
The meeting was opened by the Auditor General of Malaysia and Chair of the ASEANSAI KSC, Datuk Wan Suraya Wan Mohd Radzi. In her opening remarks, she encouraged all SAI members of the Knowledge Sharing Committee to actively participate in advancing the role of SAIs in promoting transparency and accountability. She also expressed her appreciation for the collaborative efforts made by all SAIs in driving knowledge-sharing initiatives across the region.
Highlights Agenda or the meeting including Progress Report on KSC Activities for 2024:
BPK presented updates on the project Advancing the Roles of SAIs in Reviewing Voluntary National Review: A Contribution to the Achievement of SDGs, SAI Myanmar and SAI Vietnam Reports: SAI Myanmar provided a progress report on the SDG Implementation Cooperative Audit Project, while SAI Vietnam presented updates on their project Environmental Management and Protection in Industrial Zones and Craft Villages as part of their preparations for 2024 activities.
At the meeting also presented the 2025 KSC Project TORs Presentations such as SAI Malaysia presentation on Contemporary Issues and Challenges in Public Sector Auditing, SAI Philippines presentation on Public Debt Audit or Strengthening Budget Credibility Through External Audit, and SAI Thailand presentation on SAIs in ASEAN and Moving Forward to Digital Organisation.
One of the key outcomes of the meeting was the appointment of ASEANSAI Knowledge Sharing Experts (KSEs) for the upcoming KSC Work Plan for the 2026-2027 period. During this session, each SAI delivered brief presentations on their chosen project topics, which will be formally presented for approval at the ASEANSAI Senior Officials’ Meeting in 2025.