Posted by admin On July 29, 2021

SAI of Malaysia successfully hosted the 6th ASEANSAI Senior Officials’ Meeting (SOM) virtually from 28 to 29 July 2021. The meeting aimed to discuss strategic issues related to ASEANSAI governance and sustainability. Datuk Nik Azman Nik Abdul Majid, Auditor General of SAI Malaysia and Chairman of ASEANSAI, officially opened the meeting by delivering the opening speech.

In his speech, he conveyed that the 6th SOM was such a historical moment for ASEANSAI as it was the 1st SOM conducted through video conference. In addition, as the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the SAI’s core business, ASEANSAI also has to embrace innovation, build up digital connectivity, and make the organization ready by maximizing the use of technology in developing specific action plans and innovative projects that will improve the audit delivery system at the utmost of digital presence.

Attended by around 67 participants from 10 members SAIs, the meeting was led by Mr. Bahtiar Arif, Secretary-General of the Audit Board of the Republic of Indonesia as the Head of ASEANSAI Secretariat, and covering the discussion on:

  1. Revised draft of the ASEANSAI Rules and Procedures;
  2. Draft of the ASEANSAI Strategic Plan 2022-2025;
  3. Finalization of the TOR Knowledge Sharing Committee;
  4. Committee Work Plans 2022-2023;
  5. Result of the Study Analysis on ASEANSAI Legal Capacity;
  6. Agenda the 6th Summit 2021;
  7. Appointment of the Committees for 2022-2023; and
  8. Other issues covering Secretariat matters.

Results of the SOM were to be brought to Summit in November 2021 for approval from the Assembly.

Furthermore, following the accomplishment of the 6th SOM, representatives from Executive Committee; SAI Malaysia as the current Chairman and SAI Myanmar as the Vice-Chairman; SAI Indonesia as the Secretariat, and SAI Philippines as the upcoming Vice Chairman, were gathered at the Pre-handover ASEANSAI Chairmanship Meeting. The meeting was discussing the preparation of the upcoming ASEANSAI Summit and sharing of experiences to ensure a smooth transition of the ASEANSAI Chairmanship.