To support the implementation of the ASEANSAI Knowledge Sharing Committee (KSC) Work Plan 2020-2021 namely conducting a Cooperative Environmental Audit, a Training on Environmental Audit of the Cooperative Audit Project on Water Resources Management in Mekong River Basin was held virtually on 23 and 24 February 2021. Around 22 participants from SAI Vietnam, SAI Myanmar, and SAI Thailand, as well as Observers from SAI Malaysia, were actively involved in the training.
The objective of the training was to increase the capacity of auditors from participating SAIs in conducting environmental audits by using a performance audit approach and improving their skills to assess 3E aspects (economics, efficiency, and effectiveness) in government programs related to the environmental audit.
In addition, participants also had the chance to deepen the knowledge on the concepts of environmental governance related to water management for developing audit criteria and methodologies, to further learn the water-related environmental problems, and to understand the utilization of audit tools in the environmental audits.
This training was led by the Trainers from SAI Indonesia, while the next training from 1 to 2 March 2021 on Water Resources Management will be led by SAI Malaysia.