ASEANSAI Guidelines on Public Procurement (AGPP) was published in 2016 through collaborative efforts of the Knowledge Sharing Committee (KSC). Thenceforwards, using the AGPP as basis, a courseware for the Workshop on the Audit of Public Procurement (WAPP) was developed by the Training Committee (TC). The WAPP was piloted in October 2016 with 23 auditors from 7 ASEANSAI members.
As the next stage from the implementation of Action Plan of the WAPP, the follow-up Workshop (FUWAPP) was held in April 2018. One of the most significant outputs from the FUWAPP is the list of inputs on the enhancement of the AGPP which was later on provided to the KSC for consideration. The enhanced AGPP has to be disseminated to the auditors of the ASEANSAI members through a workshop. Therefore, the Instructors’ Design Meeting on the Updated ASEANSAI Public Procurement Audit Manual was held in Singapore from 21 to 25 October 2019.
Representatives from SAI Malaysia, SAI Philippines, SAI Indonesia, and SAI Thailand were participated in the meeting along with SAI Singapore as the Host SAI.
During the meeting, participants were discussed and agree on:
1) Sessions to be handled by each course designers-cum-facilitator for the upcoming workshop;
2) Coverage of the WAPP-2 in terms of number of sessions and time allotment per session; and
3) Assignment on the draft course materials to be reviewed by each course designer’s member (peer review).
Participants also presented the comment on reviewed course materials and finalized the reviewed sessions after receiving feedback from the peer review.
As the way forward, involving course designers were agreed to submit the revised courseware (after peer review) to the TC by the end of November 2019. TC Training Specialist which was participated at the meeting will also finalize the Action Plan and monitor the submission templates for Action Plan.