Posted by admin On February 10, 2012

04/07/2011 – 13:57

On 26 June –2 July 2011, The Audit Board of the Republic of Indonesia (BPK RI) visited Commission on Audit (COA) of Philippines and Office of the Auditor General (OAG) of Myanmar for a dialogue to attain support on the initiative of the establishment of ASEANSAI. ASEANSAI establishment was intended to strengthen the regional capacity in ASEAN.

A visit to COA was conducted on 26 to 29 June 2011 in Quezon City, Philippines. Engaged in the dialogue were Board Member III, Hasan Bisri as head of delegations, with Principal Auditor III, Johannes Widodo Haryo Mumpuni, Head of International Cooperation, Yudi Ramdan, and Head of Subdivision of Bilateral Cooperation, Kusuma Ayu Rusnasanti, as members of the delegations. BPK delegations were also accompanied by the Ambassador to the Philippines, John Kristiarto S. Legowo.

In the meantime, a visit to Myanmar SAI was conducted on 30 June to 2 July 2011 in Nay Pyi Taw City. BPK RI delegations who engaged in the dialogue were the Secretary General of BPK RI, Hendar Ristriawan, as head of delegations, with Head of International Relations, Juska M. E. Sjam, and Head of Subdivision of INTOSAI, Leni Dwihastuti, as members of the delegations.

The head of delegations conveyed the intent and purpose of ASEANSAI as well as asked for support and approval on its establishment. The result of the dialogue was both SAIs, COA of Philippines and OAG of Myanmar, supported the initiative of the establishment of ASEANSAI and would communicate this matter with the government.