ASEANSAI and INTOSAI Donor Secretariat join hands to organize the SAI-Donor Engagement Workshop to support SAI in the Asian Region in engaging with development partners, held in Manila, Philippines from 16 to 18 September 2019. The workshop was opened by the keynote speech from Ashraf Mohammed, Deputy Director General, Procurement, Portfolio and Financial Management Department, ADB with the topic Strengthening Audit institutions for promoting financial accountability and good governance in Asia and the Pacific.
The workshop intends to support SAIs in developing high quality concept notes which would improve their position while engaging with development partners; and subsequently, allow them to lead their donor supported projects. The ultimate objective is to empower SAIs to create longterm partnerships with donors and seek support for institutional strengthening and capacity building.
Attended by 19 delegates from 17 SAIs from Asian regions, the workshop covered the topic of discussion as follows: Deciding on Support, Engaging Donors Think like a Donor, Staying Connected, Concept Note development, Planning, executing and monitoring and Why to coordinate.
During the workshop, ASEANSAI Secretariat was invited to share experience on the session Strengthening Audit institutions for promoting financial accountability and good governance in Asia and the Pacific. At this opportunity, representative from SAI Indonesia as the ASEANSAI Secretariat share good practices employed to successfully undertake donor funded projects as well as highlight approaches to resolve challenges faced during project implementation.