Posted by admin On July 5, 2019


State Audit Organization of Lao PDR hosted the 5th ASEANSAI Senior Officials’ Meeting in Vientiane, Lao PDR from 4 to 5 July 2019. The opening ceremony was officially opened by Dr. Mrs. Viengthong SIPHANDONE, President of the State Audit Organization of Lao PDR, Chairperson of ASEANSAI. On her speech, she highlighted the importance of the meeting which is to review, discuss and approve some crucial issues. She convinced that with the eight years’ successful operation of ASEANSAI with mutual understanding and cooperation among member SAIs and striving effort, the meeting will accomplish its objectives.

The meeting was led by Bahtiar Arif, Secretary General of The Audit Board of The Republic of Indonesia, Head of ASEANSAI Secretariat, aims to discuss potential issues which will be tabled and approved at the 5th ASEANSAI Summit including the finalization of the revised ASEANSAI Rules and Procedures, upgraded Guideline on Monitoring & Evaluation System, committees’ work plan and other strategic issues.

Attended by thirty senior officials’s level participants from ten members SAIs, the Senior Officials Meeting were resulted the constructive outputs. Following the success of the meeting, the representatives from Executive Committee, SAI Lao PDR as the current Chair, SAI Malaysia as the Vice Chair, SAI Indonesia as the Secretariat and SAI Myanmar as the upcoming Vice Chair sit together at the Pre-Handover ASEANSAI Chairmanship Meeting. The meeting were discussing about the preparation of the upcoming ASEANSAI Summit and sharing of experiences to ensure smooth transition of the ASEANSAI Chairmanship.