Posted by admin On November 6, 2015

This book represents a continuation of our journey which began from the crystallization of an idea, from which ASEANSAI emerged. For the past two years, ASEANSAI’s knowledge sharing and training activities had been increased and were geared towards training topics which are of interest and concern to members. Additionally, our training activities were also aligned with international developments in the field of public sector auditing, most particularly, the implementation of International Standards of the Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSAIs) as evidently supported by the Long Term ASEANSAI Programme on ISSAI Implementation.

In support of these activities, we had successfully obtained donor cooperation from German Government who had helped in the funding of a number of activities. Not only so, they had also brought in assistance in the form of subject matter experts, most notably, in the development of the ASEANSAI Strategic Plan Monitoring and Evaluation System.

In the advent of progress and growth, we had also successfully gained traction in terms of exposure in the eyes of International Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) and Asian Organisation of

Supreme Audit Institutions (ASOSAI) as seen by our presence in the 47th and 48th ASOSAI Governing Board Meetings, the 13th ASOSAI Assembly and even the INTOSAI Capacity Building Committee Meeting.

In this period, we witnessed changes to the heads of Supreme Audit Institutions for a few of our members. It is at this juncture that I would like to acknowledge the outgoing Heads of Supreme Audit

Institutions namely His Excellency Pengiran Haji Abdul Rahman bin Pengiran Haji Mat Salleh, formerly the Auditor General of Brunei Darussalam, His Excellency Mr. Hadi Poernomo, formerly the Chairman of The Audit Board of the Republic of Indonesia and Her Excellency Madam Gracia M. Pulido Tan, formerly the Chairperson of the Commission on Audit of the Republic Of The Philippines. Not forgetting, I would also like to convey my deepest condolences and share my heartfelt sorrow for the recently demised His Excellency Mr. Thein Htaik, Auditor General of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar. Their leave surely will be felt but their valuable contributions most certainly had a profound impact on ASEANSAI and their legacy will forever remain a part of the ASEANSAI fable.

But as with every journey, the question that comes to mind for all of us: where to from here? How shall we get to our destination – our idyll for ASEAN to be a peaceful and prosperous region brought about by ASEANSAI’s role as promoters of good governance and public accountability?

The answer to that question rests upon us. It is our responsibility to answer together. Regardless of where this journey takes us, we need to maintain at all times this spirit of togetherness and solidified unity without letting complacency set in.


Download ASEANSAI Book Part 2: The Journey Continues