Posted by admin On November 25, 2016

Following the 1st Regional Workshop on “Enhancing the Roles of SAIs in Selected ASEAN Countries” which was successfully held in Ho Chi Minh Cinty, Vietnam on March 2016, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) together with SAI Malaysia, held the 2nd Regional Workshop on “ISSAI Compliance and Forensic Audit“ designated to participants from ASEANSAI on 15-17 November 2016, at the National Audit Academy in Malaysia.

The purpose of the workshop was to discuss the compliance of the International Standard of SAIs (ISSAIs) on financial audit, the insertion of forensic audit, and the action plan to further improve the ISSAI compliance of the members of the ASEANSAI. The workshop conducted through knowledge sharing among participants the status of compliance on the International Standards of SAIs (ISSAIs) on financial audit, a topic on forensic audit, and the action plan to further improve the ISSAI compliance of the ASEANSAI member.

During the workshop, participants from SAI Myanmar, SAI Lao PDR, SAI Cambodia, SAI Philippines, SAI Vietnam, SAI Malaysia, SAI Brunei Darussalam, SAI Indonesia as well as representative from GIZ and ADB were actively discussed and shared the progress of financial audit guidelines in compliance with ISSAI, monitoring of ISSAI Compliance by ASEANSAI, the experience on implementation of revised financial audit guidelines, donor assistance in ISSAI and its implementation, and fraudulent schemes in project financial statements.