Posted by admin On March 4, 2016

The 1st ASEANSAI Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on Revenue Auditing was held from 2 to 4 March 2016 in Don Chan Palace Hotel, Vientiane, and Lao PDR. The FGD was facilitated by Mr. Paul Chai Sin Ngee, Deputy Director of Customs Audit Branch and SAI Malaysia as Project Leader. It was attended by 21 participants from Supreme Audit Institution (SAI) of Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos PDR, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam. However, SAI of Brunei, Myanmar and Singapore were unable to join this Research Project.

Dr. Padaphet Sayakhot, Vice President, State Audit Organization of Lao PDR, open the workshop officially. He conveyed warm welcome to all participants and hoped the FGD could be a useful venue for constructive interaction and dialogue that would positively contribute to the vision of ASEANSAIs. He also stated that the FGD would provide an opportunity to consolidate ideas and perspectives of everybody with a common objective to get a positive outcome.

Chair of Knowledge Sharing Committee was represented by Mr. Paul Chai Sin Ngee, Deputy Director of National Audit Department of Malaysia. He hoped that this meeting would enhance the audit capability of ASEANSAI member countries in auditing revenue by exchanging and sharing of knowledge and current practices.

It was agreed that SAI Malaysia as the Chair of the KSC will publish the Report of the Research Project on Revenue Audit as well as the ASEANSAI General Guideline on Revenue Audit.

All participating SAIs presented their respective country papers regarding revenue audit and continued with discussions and exchange of ideas.


Contents of the General Guideline on Revenue Audit and responsibilities of the respective SAIs in drafting the relevant topics were decided during the meeting. All meeting participants were also agree to submit input for the ASEANSAI General Guideline on Revenue Audit from to SAI Malaysia for compilation and to be circulated prior the next FGD. [SAI Malaysia]