Posted by admin On December 8, 2016

On 8th December 2016, ten Head of SaIs in ASEAN region signed the protocol on amending the ASEANSAI Agreement as a side meeting during the XXII INCOSAI 2016 in Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Center, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.

After trough the process in three years since 2013, all of the ASEANSAI members ageed to restructure the ASEANSAI Secretariat with longer term period and the iclusion of the protection of intellectual property right.

The amendment of ASEANSAI agreement was trigerred by the need of ASEANSAI to have a strong Secretariat to maintain its sustainability. As a new established organization, ASEANSAI should be supported by Secretariat that plays role as a driving force of the organization through knowledge management, project management, communication and administration external relation particularly with donors as well as event management.

During the last three years, ASEANSAI Secretariat divided into ASEANSAI Secretariat Function and Administration Function. ASEANSAI Secretariat Function administered by SAI Indonesia while Administration Function administered by SAI Brunei Darussalam (2013 – 2015) and SAI Cambodia (2016).

The event was commenced by the opening remarks from Viengthong SIPHANDONE, Auditor General of Lao PDR an Vice Chairperson of ASEANSAI. On her speech, she recommend the ASEANSAI Rules and Procedures committee to start revising ASEANSAI rules and Procedures after this Protocol takes into effect and convinced that the amended rules and procedures of ASEANSAI will be prepared and approved by upcoming Assembly Meeting.

Hendar Ristriawan as the Head of Secretariat Function convey the report of the circulation process for the last three years. On the report, he emphasize that the process has passed a long journey and varius challenges so that event is the outstanding achievement of ASEANSAI. At the end, all ASEANSAI members reach the same view that ASEANSAI needs a strong driving force to grow and support the capacity building of its members.