ASEANSAI was established on 16 November 2011 as the realization of a shared desire among Supreme Audit Institutions in the ASEAN region. ASEANSAI is a forum that serves to facilitate sharing knowledge and experiences in the field of public sector audit. ASEANSAI is expected to be able to play an important role in increasing the capacity of audit institutions in the respective states of ASEANSAI.
ASEANSAI has passed couple years since it was established. Over the years, there have been various activities undertaken by ASEANSAI. All of ASEANSAI Committees have been actively conducted their projects. ASEANSAI Secretariat also has an opportunity to conduct a study visit to SAI Chile as the Secretariat of Organization of Latin American and Caribbean Supreme Audit Institutions (OLACEFS) to learn how SAI Chile manages and runs the OLACEFS Secretariat effectively.
During 2015, there was a second handover of the ASEANSAI Chairmanship from the Auditor General of Jabatan Audit Brunei Darussalam to Auditor General of the National Audit Authority of Cambodia for period 2015-2017. At the same time, the President of State Audit Organization of Lao PDR was appointed as the Vice Chairperson of ASEANSAI for the same period.
ASEANSAI has also stepped forward to the settlement of Protocol amending the ASEANSAI Agreement and the cooperation with donors. Moreover, ASEANSAI has developed the capacity of its members through Knowledge Sharing and Training Committee activities. The activities have been increased and geared towards training topics which are interest and concern to its members.
The activities were aligned with international developments in the field of public sector auditing, most particularly, the implementation of International Standards of the Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSAIs) as evidently supported by the Long Term ASEANSAI Programme on ISSAI Implementation (LTAPII).
It is hoped that ASEANSAI can work better and can give benefits to the development of institutional capacity and the improvement of governance in their respective member states.
Download ASEANSAI Activities Report 2015