Mr. Hadi Purnomo RI, Chairman of ASEANSAI officially opened the Workshop on Quality Assurance in Financial Audit (QAFA) on Monday, December 3, 2012, in Yogyakarta. This workshop is the first training activities organized by the Training Committee ASEANSAI since ASEANSAI founded in 2011. This activity is held to implement the work plan of ASEANSAI Training Committee, which is part of ASEANSAI 2012-2013 Work Plan agreed at February 28, 2012 in Jaipur, India.
Present at the opening ceremony, the Chairman of Commission on Audit of the Philippine who is also the Chair of ASEANSAI Training Committee Ms. Maria Gracia Pulido-Tan, BPK Board Member Mr. Sapto Amal Damandari, BPK Secretary General Mr. Hendar Ristriawan, BPK Officials, instructors and participants from 10 member states ASEANSAI.
BPK Secretary General who is also the Head of the Secretariat ASEANSAI reported that this workshop discusses the quality assurance in the financial audits. The topic was chosen to be the first priority of training base on the training need assessment by the ASEANSAI Training Committee. The workshop was attended by 23 participants from the ten members of ASEANSAI and 6 instructors from the State of Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Thailand.
The workshop, which lasted for six days until December 8, 2012 also proved ASEANSAI members’ commitment to building capacity in the field of quality assurance in the financial audit. “Through this workshop, it is expected to improve the quality of examination of the report through quality assurance, in accordance with the standards and regulations,” said Hadi Poernomo.
Mr. Hadi Poernomo also said, with the good quality of examination of the report, It can support the goals of the state, especially in increasing the prosperity of the people. Furthermore, the good quality of the examination will support the goals of the establishment of the ASEAN community, to contribute in realizing the ASEAN community that have orientation to the people and have a social responsibility to achieve solidarity among the ASEAN countries. “Hopefully, this workshop will benefit each member of the ASEAN Supreme Audit Institutions, and the knowlegde can be implemented further in the institution,” added Hadi Poernomo.
On the occasion, Ms. Maria Gracia Pulido-Tan described the programs that have been and will be conducted by the Training Committee ASEANSAI. Through a survey conducted by the Committee, trainings that are needed by the ASEANSAI members include quality assurance, risk based financial audits, evaluation of internal control, audit of procurement fraud investigative and legal evidence, and performance audits. All training will take place in 2013 through 2015. “I am pleased that this cooperation can be implemented, so that we can share knowledge and experience to support our duty as auditors,” said Maria Gracia.
The material covered in this workshop are about the quality assurance review process, quality assurance function, key elements of the SAI level of AQMS framework, financial audit process, and the quality assurance review plan for financial audit.
The participants in the workshop hope to share experience and knowledge of quality assurance audit findings Audit Agency, respectively, also can understand more about quality assurance in financial audit. Furthermore, the knowledge gained through the workshops can be implemented in inspection tasks in each SAI of ASEANSAI member.