Posted by editor On September 28, 2012

The Chairman of the Audit Board of the Republic of Indonesia Hadi Poernomo who is also the Chairman of ASEANSAI opened The Third Meeting of The ASEANSAI Strategic Planning Committee at Atlet Century Hotel, Jakarta on September 24, 2012. The event that took place until September 27, 2012 was attended by all members of ASEANSAI Strategic Plan Committee. They were The National Audit Department of Malaysia (JAN Malaysia), Commission on Audit (COA) Philippines, The State Audit of Vietnam (SAV) and The Audit Board of the Republic of Indonesia (BPK).

In his speech, Nguyen Van Quoc, the representative from the SAV as the Chair of the Strategic Planning Committeee, mentioned that the Strategic Planning Committee was formed to develop a strategic plan of the ASEANSAI for the period of 2014 – 2017, as a guide to determine the strategic direction, goals and objectives of the ASEANSAI that describe how the ASEANSAI intends to achieve its vision and fulfill its mission. The meeting in Jakarta was the third meeting. The first meeting of the Committee was held in Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia on February 9-11, 2012 while the second meeting was in Hanoi, Vietnam on May 14-17, 2012.

The Secretary General of BPK RI, who is also the Head of the ASEANSAI Secretariat, Hendar Ristriawan, explained to participants in his report that the Committee had succeeded to formulate the draft of the ASEANSAI Strategic Plan 2014-2017 including vision, mission and core values of the ASEANSAI. The committee will finalize the first draft of ASEANSAI Strategic Plan.

According to the Chairman of BPK RI, the Strategic Planning Committee could develop the ASEANSAI Strategic Plan that would provide a clear guidance for the ASEANSAI. “The Strategic Plan will be a direction for developing the capacity of members of ASEANSAI, promoting accountability of ASEAN Community, strengthening INTOSAI and ASOSAI programs as well as developing cooperation with other international institutions” the Chairman said.

The third meeting was expected to produce the final draft of the ASEANSAI Strategic Plan, Key Performance Indicators, Implementation Matrix and the Monitoring and Evaluation System to implement the strategic plan. “I hope that in this meeting, all participants can actively participate and be involved in the discussion, so that the first draft of the ASEANSAI strategic plan can be finalized as planned,” the Chairman said at the end of his speech.