Posted by indonesia On March 25, 2012

On March 18-21, 2012, the Audit Board of the Republic of Indonesia (BPK RI) led by Dr. Cris Kuntadi, the Head of BPK RI’s Training Center, visited the National Audit Authority (NAA) of Cambodia in a scoping mission to design the 2012 programs as the implementation of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on the bilateral cooperation between the BPK RI and the NAA. The MoU was signed in Johannesburg, South Africa, on November 23, 2010.

Under this MoU, the BPK RI and the NAA has undertaken some important cooperation marking the beneficial progress of the MoU. The bilateral meeting was conducted between the Head of International Cooperation Division of the BPK RI and the Secretary General of the NAA of Cambodia in the GTZ-OAG-ASOSAI Planning Workshop on January 22, 2011 in Bangkok, Thailand. It was then followed by the scoping mission meeting in Jakarta, June 13-16, 2011 to frame the action plan for 2011 and the implementation such as knowledge sharing, study tour and secondment program. The Audit Board also had the opportunity to become the resource person in the Investigative Audit Workshop on September 12-16, 2011 in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

In the scoping mission for the 2012 action plan, the BPK RI’s delegates were welcomed by the Auditor General of the NAA, Mrs. Som Kim Suor and is followed by the discussion with the Deputy Secretary General of the NAA, Mr. Long Atichbora.
The discussion achieved some important agreements. It was agreed that the BPK RI will send resource persons for the NAA to conduct the workshop on performance audit around October, 2012. The Audit Board will help the NAA to facilitate the forming of the training management by sharing the information on the function and responsibility of the Audit Board’s Training Center. In this regard, the NAA will send its delegates to the Audit Board to learn about the training management in the Audit Board’s Training Center in September, 2012. It was also agreed that both SAIs will continue the previous cooperation on the investigative audit and audit on the external funded project.