

Posted by indonesia On November - 5 - 2014
Harry Azhar Azis, Ph.D., assumed office as the Chairman of the Audit Board of the Republic of Indonesia, succeeding the former chairman, Dr. Rizal Djalil whose mandate expired on October 28th,2014. Prior to his new appointment, Harry Azhar Azis, Ph.D. was a parliament member, economist and Indonesian political expert. He also served as Vice Chairman on the Commission XI of the Parliament focusing in the field of Finance, National […]
Posted by indonesia On September - 23 - 2014
[Picture 1] Photographs with the Entire Delegation The Capacity Building Committee (CBC) is the INTOSAI advocate for, and custodian of, SAI capacity development. CBC facilitate initiatives in support of SAIs and regions, building their capacities and enhancing their capabilities. To fulfill its strategically important role, CBC needs to add value to the capacity-building sphere of […]
Posted by admin On February - 22 - 2012
ASEAN Supreme audit Institutions (ASEANSAI) is the organization of ten Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) of the member states of ASEAN. ASEANSAI is expected to encourage and promote good governance within the ASEAN region. Thus, ASEANSAI will focus on capacity development for SAIs of ASEAN member states and technical cooperations dealing with important and common audit […]